Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A new name - the story behind 'bear fluff 'n' stuff'

I wrote a Facebook status the other day:
"I feel like I should write a parenting book. I will entitle it, "What to do when one leg of your child's stuffed bear no longer has stuffing in it, you spend a day or two wondering how it got like that, and then for the next week straight your child is constantly sneezing out chunks of 'bear fuff' from her nose."

No illustrations necessary.

My friend Elizabeth commented and said, at the very least, I should start a blog called 'bear fluff and stuff.'

Which is absolutely 100%-amen perfect for this blog dedicated to sharing funny stories, anecdotes, sayings and pictures of Little Miss AllieBug, (bear fluff), along with anything else random that comes into my head, (and stuff).

And so my blog's title changed. Thank you, Elizabeth!!! :)