Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Here we go, again!

Well, I found out that my original blog at livejournal got a tad whacked out, because apparently you have to be a livejournal member to comment on other people's blogs, and no one I knew was a member there, so no one could comment.

So, I'm starting another one. Maybe I'll try to import the posts from the other blog....someday. :)

Anyway, nothing super exciting happening at the moment. Oh, except that the software we use in the newsroom to lay out pages and send them to press decided to go on strike for most of the afternoon yesterday. And Link goes to press Monday night. And the daily goes out - well, every day. We ended up having to proof each page manually and layout the pages old school style, but it all came together in the end and we had a paper this morning.

So that kinda put us all behind on our assignments this week, so today was a little crazy, but it's all good.

Just another day in the life of a reporter.

"Okay, so why are we laughing?" - Megan Vocu

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