Saturday, September 8, 2012

If I only had a maid

If I had a maid, she would:

1) follow me when I walk the dog and bag up his poop
2) assemble my tacos
3) fold my fitted sheets (but ONLY my fitted sheets. I like folding everything else.)
4) come to work with me and rinse out my coffee cup when I'm finished with it
5) clean the litter box
6) clean anything that comes in contact with my child's poop, like her stuffed Bear
7) kill spiders
8) wake up 15 minutes before I do and start a pot of coffee
9) hold the vacuum at the top of the stairs when I vacuum so it doesn't fall down on top of me
10) lick the envelopes when I mail something
11) reach down into the food disposal to retrieve whatever fell down there

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Haha! Kathy, this made me laugh. I always say at work that I need an assistant: just to pull my voicemails and do data entry - I'll happily do everything else :)