Friday, June 8, 2012

Here we go again

Throughout the past few years, I've had several people tell me that I should start a blog. So I did, and then didn't really keep up with it. I realized recently that my facebook statuses are starting to read like a glorified blog, so I figured I should probably look at blogging again. And also, I miss it. :)

I'm currently working on writing out my entire pregnancy saga. Many people have asked me why I was on bedrest, what the heck did I do with my time, how did the pregnancy turn out (well, obviously it resulted in a baby, but you know, like the health-related issues), and such things. But, as pregnancy IS a 9 month long deal, it's taking a bit of time.

In the meantime, I'll update you on my life right now. (mostly for my friends who I don't talk to on a regular basis or haven't seen since high school). My amazing daughter Alexandra Noelle was born on Nov. 2, 2010, and has changed my life forever. I married the man of my dreams, Justin, on July 17, 2011. He works for Greenville County at their animal shelter as an Adoptions Counselor/vet tech. I'm working at a small software company, EmbTrak Inc., in South Carolina part time. My official title is Customer Communications Coordinator, but really I do a little bit of this and a little bit of that, including but not limited to: writing documentation for the software, creating and developing tutorials for new customers, quality assurance on new versions and upgrades, answering the phones, customer support, and self-appointed party planning. I've been working there since Feb. 2011, after my 3 year stint as a reporter at Link magazine with The Greenville News. I work 3 days a week and stay home with Allie 2 days, so it's a really nice mix.

We've pared down our menagerie in the past year or so, as we've adjusted to life with a small child in the house. My best 4-legged equine friend of 4 years, Hollis, now belongs to a sweet, sweet lady about 15 minutes away from me who still lets me come out and ride her. That was a HUGE adjustment in my life, but I felt it was the right thing to do, both for me and for Hollis. There will definitely be another horse in my future (and maybe a pony in Allie's?), but right now, life is just too busy for such a huge commitment. We have a dog, Dingo, who is great with Allie and very protective of his humans. Our cats, Wem and Olive, keep each other and Dingo in line. Gabby, Chloe and Leonard, our 3 bunnies, live on our screened in back porch and basically have the easiest life a rabbit could ever ask for. Geico, our gecko, makes us keep our fridge stocked with mealworms and crickets. Our corn snake Ozzie and turtle Darth Maul Rosenthal (aka Turd) are super low key.

Shows I'm addicted to: Judge Judy, People's Court, Law & Order SVU, Parenthood, Family Guy, Chuck, Love in the Wild, The Voice, I Love Lucy. (for when life slows down and I get a chance to actually watch TV).

Hobbies I do, or at least attempt: horseback riding (hunter/jumper with a tad bit of dabbling in dressage), scrapbooking, knitting, cross-stitching, running, baking, cooking, reading, shopping, talking.

Well I think I hear the wee one waking up from her nap, so that's it for now.

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