Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A day in Bit-land

I worked from home yesterday, so to keep Bit occupied while I got caught up on emails and wrote some documentation, I put on 'Happy Feet' for her. She sat and very intently watched several minutes of it, then ran over to her toy box and found her rubber toy penguin. She stood him on the coffee table and made him dance, all the while saying her adorable "waddle waddle waddle." I was super impressed, especially because I didn't tell her that the movie was about penguins. She figured it out on her own. 

She's recently entered a little phase called 'No Pants Ever.' Of course, this phase would coincide with my attempt to let her assert her independence and personality whenever possible. Her outfit choice for yesterday: pajama shirt, no pants, her right shoe.

She's also developed an intense fascination with the animals lately. Not sure why she's suddenly become so obsessed with them, as we've always had pets since before she was born, but her bedtime routine takes about 3x as long now, since she insists on finding and kissing the dog and all 3 cats before she goes to bed. (She'd probably kiss the bunnies and gecko too if I let her, but I have to draw the line somewhere).

Yesterday, I left her playing in the living room so I could start dinner. When I left, she was entertaining herself with her barn and farm animals. One of the cats, Muffintop, was snoozing on the couch.

I was in the kitchen for maybe a total of 5 minutes. I came back to the living room, and saw poor Muffintop like this, with Allie standing in front of him, saying "pee-boo!" (peek-a-boo)

And potty training. Oh, potty training. One of the cats (I think it was poor Muffintop again) used the litter box. Allie darted into the bathroom, yelling "ALL DONE," emerged with a handful of toilet paper, and promptly tried to wipe the cat. (Funny side note: she tried to wipe him in exactly the same place she wipes herself -- in-between his front legs).

So then I asked her if she needed to use the potty. She nodded, yanked her pants down, and said, "Drop trou." 

Um, what?

I blame her father for that one. :)

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