Friday, August 17, 2012

While You Were Sleeping

A conglomeration of things I say to my husband while snoozing. I'm sure I'll be adding to this list weekly:


I fell asleep while watching TV one night.
Justin: "Hey babe, let's go to bed."
Me: "I'm afraid!"
Justin: "What?"
Me: "I'm afraid!"
Justin: "You're afraid?"
Me: "Nope."
Justin: "So you're not afraid then?"
Me: "Moooooop!" [then falling back asleep]

A little while later . . . 
Justin: "Come on babe. Wake up and let's go to bed."
Me: "HENRY!"
Justin: "Who?"
Me: "Henry."
Justin "Who's Henry?"
Me: "Nope."


Me: [in the middle of the night, sitting bolt upright in bed] "WOOOOOO-OOOOO!"
Justin: "Um, what's up?"
Me: "There's a spider!"
Justin: "For real?"
Me: "No, in my dream. A big one."
Justin: "Okay. Good night."


Justin informed me that the following conversation took place in the middle of the night:

Me: [shaking him awake and laughing hysterically] "Babe, guess what? I just emailed a guy named Jack, and then I realized his name isn't Jack, it's Cynthia!"
Justin: " . . . um, what? What are you talking about?"
Me: "Oh. I don't know. Never mind."
Justin: "Babe, go back to sleep."
Me: "Okay."


Again, one night I fell asleep while watching the 11:00 news:

Justin: "Babe, let's go to bed. You're falling asleep."
Me: "No, I'm not. I'm watching it."
Justin: "Oh, okay. Then what's it about?"
Me: "Um, it's about the space shuttle flying over Washington."
Justin: "Actually, no. It's about the gay pride parade. So let's go to bed."

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