Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Bitty-isms for the day

It's 4:13 a.m. on Wednesday morning. I conked out on the couch earlier while watching the Olympics, so now I have a second wind and can't fall asleep. I'm sure I'll regret this in 2.5 hours when I have to get up for work, but in the mean time, I'll write!

The past few days have been fraught with Bitty-isms. She just has the cutest, funniest, adventuresome, expressive little personality, and she's such a bright spot in my day.

Here's a peek at the awesomeness that is my child:

1) While lying in her crib and trying to fall asleep, Allie has discovered the art of taking her pajama pants off. A couple nights ago, I heard a commotion upstairs, so I checked her baby monitor. She was sitting there, pants-less, running around in circles in her crib, shaking her pants around and rubbing them on her face. I went up to re-dress her, but she was very intent on snuggling with said pants. So I put her pj pants on, grabbed a pair of her leggings out of the drawer, and handed them to her to snuggle with. A little while later, I heard more commotion, so I checked the monitor again. She had taken her pants off AGAIN, put them on her head, and had donned the leggings -- correctly, I might add! Quite impressive that my almost 21-month-old was able to put on her own pants -- leggings even!

2) On the way home from daycare yesterday, Allie and I were sitting at a stoplight. All of a sudden, I heard excited squeals coming from the backseat. "Momma! MOMMA! Mo? Mo . . . peeeas?" (translation of the Bitty-speak: Momma, momma, more, more please.) I glanced in my rear view mirror and saw her frantically signing "more" and "please," followed by pointing out the window. There was an old man sitting in the car next to us, chowing down on an ice cream cone. And as I looked over at him, he looked over at Allie and me. "Momma! Mo mo, peeeas!" continued from the backseat. And of course, lots of pointing. So by way of explanation, I rolled my window down and called out to the man, "My daughter likes your ice cream." Thank God the light turned green at that exact moment.

3) My almost 21-month-old TOTALLY pants-ed me yesterday. I blame her father for this.

4) Allie's latest favorite game: putting a bucket upside down over her head and calling out "Momma!" until I say, "Wheeeere's Bitty?" and she laughs, pulls the bucket off her head, and yells, "Pee-boo!" (peek-a-boo). It's the cutest thing ever.

5) She LOVES the Olympics. And staying true to form, her favorite event is men's swimming. It's got all her favorite components: guys in Speedos, a pool and Michael Phelps -- her latest boy crush.

6) She was talking to my mom on the phone the other day. My mom said, "Love you, Allie," and Allie responded, "wuv oooo gamma."

7) Her daycare lady, Amber, has been working with the kids on weaning them off their "security blankets." Each kid has his/her own cubby, and after nap time, the kids usually go and put their security blankets in their cubby. Allie of course has Wubby, Drake has Bear, Paxton has Twiddle, Seven has her blanket, and Bentley has a stuffed frog. (Side note: Wubby has been officially dubbed "Wubby in the Cubby.") :) So when I get there to pick her up, it's anybody's guess as to whether Wubby is still in the cubby, or if he's elsewhere in the house. Amber and I always ask her where Wubby is, and we make a game out of it -- we put our hands up to our mouths like we're calling out to someone and say, "Wubby! Wubby, where are you?" Now when we ask Allie where Wubby is, she puts her little hands up to her mouth and calls out, "Bubby! Bubbies bubbies!" and then usually runs right to wherever he is. :)

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