Friday, August 31, 2012

Miss Manners

Something embarrassing seems to happen EVERY TIME we go to Sams Club.

Last time, Allie announced to the entire, full women's bathroom that "Mommy go poopy! Yaaay Mommy!"

Today, we had just checked out and were heading over to get our receipt punched. As we walked past the Customer Service desk, a man in line coughed loudly and pretty violently. I didn't pay too much attention, as I was more focused on digging my receipt out of my wallet.

"Hey! HEY!"

My head jerked up as my small, sweet little daughter belted out across the aisle toward the Customer Service desk.

And as I watched in horror, several people in line at the desk turned around, including the coughing man, and Allie loudly fake coughed, while very pointedly covering her mouth with her hand.

I swear she does stuff like this on purpose, to get back at me for trying to teach her manners (like covering her mouth when she coughs). :) Well, on the bright side, I suppose she's learning!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

LOL yeah - it was kinda embarrassing, but funny.