Saturday, November 8, 2014

Weekly Bitty-isms

Wednesday, November 5th:
On body parts and the afterlife --

Allie and I were talking about a splinter she'd gotten earlier that day, and I jokingly asked her if I should chop the hurt toe off. She laughed and said no, and then became curious about how the body works.

Allie: "What do we have under our skin?"
Me: "Well, we have muscles, and bones, and tissue . . ."
Allie: "Euuuw! Tissue like we blow our boogers on?"
Me: "No, that's a different kind of tissue. We also have bones . . ."
Allie: "Euuuw! Like what Miso chews on?"
Me: "Um . . . no. That's also different."

Then, without missing a beat --
Allie: "Mommy, will Cinderella be in heaven?"


Wednesday, November 5th:
While playing doctor --

Allie: "Okay Mommy, it's time for yours ketchup."
Me: "My ketchup?"
Allie: "Oh, I mean yours check-up."

-- and --

Allie: "Let me listen to yours heart with my telescope."
Me: "Your what?"
Allie, holding up her stethoscope: "What's this called again?"


Tuesday, November 4th:
On prayer --

We had Allie's family birthday party this evening at my in-laws' house. Allie asked to pray before the meal. "Dear Jesus, it's my birthday. Amen."

Nice and concise.


Friday, October 31st:
On her hunting prowess --

We were watching More Kitty Cat chase a moth around the living room. I remarked to Justin, "More Kitty Cat is super fast when she hunts stuff."

Allie immediately chimed in: "Yeah, me too."
Me: "You hunt stuff?"
Allie: "Yep, I do."
Me: "Okaaaay. So, what kinds of things do you hunt?
Allie: "Bugs. I hunt bugs."


And one last one (even thought it wasn't during this last week):

I walked in my room and found Allie standing at the foot of my bed, licking the wrought iron bed post.

Me: "Oh gross, Allie. Don't lick my bed."
Allie: "I'm pretending it's an ice cream cone." She paused. "But I can stop and we can go get real ice cream instead. Isn't that a great idea?"

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